February 28th, 2012 by kyf
If you have Spotify, you can now listen to We Are Nobody here.
If you don’t have Spotify, and you’re not in Germany (thanks a lot GEMA), you can check it out on Grooveshark here.
Disappointingly, no-one has bothered to leak the album yet. It’s not on What.CD, it’s not on newalbumreleases.net, and hasitleaked.com says no. It’s just not like the old days anymore. Ham and Mega Breakfast were leaked 2 months before release. I blame the lawyers. And the kids.
Anyway, once you decide you want your own physical copy to have and to hold, you can click one of these pretty links. You get a free digital copy. Just sayin….
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February 25th, 2012 by kyf
Hello everybody, it’s the tour diary speaking again; this entry is called “Gimme LEGS”. Strictly speaking, we are not on tour right now but we almost feel that we are, being limboed in a short period between different LEGS of our tour. We had a wonderful time in Turin and on the following day drove all the way back to London. On that long drive we heard that new Madonna single for the first time – it’s nice how M.I.A. and that other girl get to rap for about eight seconds each -, got stopped by French customs police who first did a scan of our van using some crazy scanning truck and then got a sniffer dog to sniff around our van for about half an hour while we stood next to the vehicle, freezing but safe in the knowledge they would not find anything… We finally arrived in London, ate some great soup late at night at Yayla on Green Lanes and the next day some of us flew home to Berlin.
It’s been a fantastic first LEG of the tour, we met loads of fantastic people and ate loads of fantastic food. Can’t wait for the second LEG. Although it starts in the UK and ends in Germany, so less fantastic food there – still, there ‘ll be almost a whole week of France in between. In between now and that second LEG, we will play two special shows: We’ve been asked by Gotye to support him at Paris’ Bataclan (1st of March) and Manchester’s Ritz (2nd of March). They’re both sold out but we felt it’s worth mentioning because those are proper shows at proper grown-up 1500 capacity venues supporting a proper grown-up pop star – not something we get to do very often.
Can’t think of anything else to write, so we’ll just leave you with a video Berit made while we were driving through Switzerland. It is a beautiful document of one of the more tranquil moments we enjoyed on this LEG.
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February 25th, 2012 by kyf
Here are all the lyrics for the new album (which you can buy here!)
Highlights include
– There’ll come a time when i will have the words for this
– They want you to want it (you can never have it)
– Give me surrender or give me death
– Look at the girl, she creates her own destiny
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February 24th, 2012 by kyf
Over the years, we’ve done some outstanding remixes for famous people and not famous people. A whole bunch of them are now on the Remixes page.
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February 19th, 2012 by kyf
Hello everybody, after a long break due to lack of internet in Italian hotels and venues, here is another bit of tour diary. We are currently sitting at the venue in Turin where they’ve put up a sign saying “The Chap (USA)” and which used to be a cinema, Italy’s oldest cinema, in fact: The Lumiere brothers came here to present Italy’s first moving picture show. I’m hoping that tonight’s audience will be as baffled by our performance as those watching that first movie no doubt were.
Tonight is the last show of the first half of our winter tour. It’s been very pleasant, cold, hot, confusing and nutritious. The best of many amazing food experiences was a late lunch presented to us during soundcheck in Pisa, featuring an amazing Sicilian salad containing oranges marinaded in Tabasco. Also in Pisa, the backstage room was the communist party’s local headquarters PLUS Panos’ favourite pose for photos finally found its ideal setting:

The audiences have been pleasantly large and mostly well-behaved. The sound has been, well, you know what sound can be like, so this occasionally led us to develop a sort of punk rock guerilla-style attitude towards performing, namely in Cagliari and Rome. During the latter show, this was particularly interesting as the crowd largely consisted of people who looked like they just walked off the set of “Friends”.
Tomorrow, we have a huge monster drive back to London, from where we will post another entry containing a nice video. Bye!
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February 13th, 2012 by kyf
Hello everybody, this the Chap tour diary speaking.
By now, we’re a quintet since Claire joined us, we’re in Italy, where it’s less cold and where we’ve had some great food and wine and a very nice show in a very weird business park area in Vigonovo to which the kids flocked in multitude. Despite the fact we had a fair amount of sound problems, the crowd were very well-behaved and supportive – except one guy who later wrote us a very long email accusing us of being too profit-hungry for not being able to afford to bring our own sound engineer and, so the angry man argued, thereby compromising the show by springing our highly complex stage setup on the local sound person. That was a cool email. Us greedy fuckers! It’s true that with a bit of luck we might not lose any money on this tour and we apologise for this. Anyway, readers, just in case you didn’t know: the vast majority of our shows have only very minor sound problems and we have never ever had our own sound engineer. Plus we all have excellent multilingual communication skills and always do our very best to ensure the local sound staff know exactly what to do. Just one last thing on the subject: Last night’s venue is very new and the sound system is far from optimised. The sound engineer himself told us so and apologised profusely for the sound problems and there were no hard feelings. There, I bet you’re relieved now.
Tonight, however, we are in our favourite venue in the entire world ever, a place called CLAN DESTINO in Faenza. The only place known to us which is an haute cuisine restaurant, stylish wine bar and D.I.Y. underground venue all at once. Last time, I literally had tears in my eyes because the food and wine were so incredibly good. Gotta go now, dinner is served.
(Here’s a picture of Keith filling in the PRS form in Vevey)

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February 11th, 2012 by kyf
Hello everybody, this is the diary for the Chap winter tour 2012.
Our toes are freezing due to the directional nature of this hire van’s heating system. Dry warm air is blown only into the upper reaches of the vehicle. Glowing faces and dry sinuses combine with mental images of immanent toe amputation.
We’re in Switzerland, which is very nice, we’ve already played one show in Winterthur (starting the winter tour in Winterthur, as I’ll tell anyone who’s listening), which was very nice; our journey here was not as nice since SOMEONE in this van booked our Eurochunnel train ticket for the wrong date. This meant that we had to sit around at Dover for a few hours until being allowed to board a train, thereby missing our planned sleep-over with friends in Lille and having to travel all the way down to Swizzers in one go, all through the night.
Nevertheless, it was still quite a jolly road trip and it involved eating something called RISKY NUTS in dual figure below-zero temperatures at 5 am in a parking lot in Belgium. As I write this, we are about to descend upon the shores of beautiful Lake Geneva to play in Vevey, home town of Nestle and lots of millionaire investment bankers from London who moved here after retiring in their late twenties or something.
Here is a photo of Panos’ ear, taken in the Winterthur venue we played last night. Great venue, great
ear. Ears are the weirdest part of the human body. Bye!

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February 2nd, 2012 by kyf
We’re playing Woopie! at The Drop tonight in Stoke Newington, London.
It’s a tiny room! Doors at 21:00, free entry until 21:30, we play around 23:00.
Good luck everyone!
(oh and it’s my birthday at midnight! whoopie!)
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January 30th, 2012 by kyf
Yay! The CD of the new album just arrived at Chap HQ.
We Are Nobody, to follow last years compilation We Are The Best, is released exclusively on entirely non-evil iTunes on 13 Feb, and available everywhere else 20 Feb. Physically, it’ll be released on CD and Vinyl. It’s full of NON-IRONIC super straight pop songs we made up last year.
It looks like this:

We’ll be touring Switzerland and Italy in February, and some shows in UK, France and Germany in March.
Here is our new video. We made it on our last tour in November. In it we drive around and express ourselves. It also features an audience in Metz, France.
This is how we’re feeling about the next few months…

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January 10th, 2012 by kyf
Sorry about that. Our amazing new album We Are Nobody is out soon.
We’re playing a bunch of shows in Feb and March, check out the Live page.
Here’s a hilarious interview we did to help inform you about life
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